Thursday, March 9, 2017

Reader Profiles

Thought I would introduce my family and give a little of our background and how we came to love reading so much:

Doug: Age 39. Wasn't a big reader growing up. He remembers really liking "Maniac Magee" as a kid (Classic--totally holds up and worth a read.) but really took off when he got into Louis L'Amour in 9th grade. (Followed by Clive Cussler books later.) He was introduced to fantasy when he worked on a construction crew one summer in college and the guy driving the truck listened to Robert Jordan books on the way to job sites. This eventually led him to Brandon Sanderson.
Favorite Genre: Fantasy
Favorite Author: Brandon Sanderson
Favorite Book: The Way of Kings
Currently Reading: Arcanum Unbounded by Brandon Sanderson

Emily: Age 39. I was a slow reader in first grade. My teacher, Miss Damjanovich, taught all five of my siblings and told my mom I was behind where they were. Mom started taking me to the library every week and letting me get as many books as I wanted. I was also allowed to buy multiple books from the Scholastic "Book Order" each month. My dad chipped in and told me he'd pay me a penny a page to read. So every night, I climbed into my mom's bed and she read to me. When my reading improved, I read to her. By the end of the year, I was reading above grade level. I have loved reading ever since!!! As a kid I loved mysteries: Boxcar Children, Nancy Drew, Agatha Christie, Mary Higgins Clark, etc. I still love a good mystery if I can find a good clean series. The only fantasy book I liked as a kid was "The Hobbit" and the only sci-fi book I liked was "Ender's Game." That has changed since discovering Brandon Sanderson. (He's very popular in our family.)
Favorite Genre(s): 1st, Mysteries. 2nd, Classics. 3rd, Fantasy
Favorite Author(s): Jane Austen, Dickens, Agatha Christie, PD James, and Brandon Sanderson
Favorite Book(s): Pride and Prejudice, David Copperfield, Jane Eyre, To Kill a Mockingbird
Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets out loud to Gray and "Spy School" because Gabe recommended it and also "Wrath of the Storm" to finish up a series.
Listening to: "War and Peace" and also "The Art of Reading" on Audible in the car. (Depends on what I'm in the mood for. )

Max: Age 15. Despite being the most hyper active tiny child on the planet, Max could always sit still and hyper focus when being read to as a baby. He learned to read early, and proved again that he could hyper focus when reading on his own. He learned to read in kindergarten. Took over reading Harry Potter from me at the end of first grade and then read the rest of the series on his own. Read the entire Book of Mormon between ages 7 and 8. Crazy fast reader. Can always be found with a novel. Always. Even if he's packing a 500 page tome on a crazy long Scout hike.
Favorite Genre: Fantasy
Favorite Author: Brandon Sanderson
Favorite Book: The Way of Kings
Currently Reading: Wereworld series by Curtis Jobling

Sam: Age 12. Sam also learned to read fairly early and relatively easily. He also got impatient with how slowly I was reading Harry Potter out loud and took over reading on book 2. Sam is a more methodical reader and he's never in too big a hurry to finish a series. He loves fantasy, but he also love love loves anything super hero related. You know those big Super Hero books at Costco that tell you every bit of history about, say, Batman? Well, Sam reads those ginormous things cover to cover and can tell you anything and everything you need to know about all Super Heroes and Super Villains. Need to know Batman's mother's name? Ask Sam.
Favorite Genre: Fantasy and Super Hero Anthologies
Favorite Author: Cressida Cowell
Favorite Book: "How to Train Your Dragon" series
Currently Reading: "Ripper" by Stefan Petrucha

Gabe: Age 9. Gabe did not learn to read in Kindergarten. He didn't even really learn to read in first grade. Second grade he was still struggling and was way below grade level. Beginning of third? Below grade level. In the mean time, I had started reading Harry Potter out loud to him in first grade just like I did for the other boys. Then I read the second book. And the third. And the fourth. I kept asking if he was ready to read it on his own. Nope! Perfectly happy for me to keep going. In third grade I was reading the fifth book to him. And then we got the illustrated copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone at Costco. Gabe had gotten in to simple illustrated books like "Jedi Academy" and "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".  All of a sudden, he was reading the illustrated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, then he was finishing the fifth book, and then the sixth, and seventh and then "The Cursed Child". He hasn't slowed down since.
Favorite Genre: Fantasy
Favorite Author: JK Rowling
Favorite Book: All of the Harry Potter books
Currently Reading: "Guardians of Ga'Hoole" series.

Gray: Age 6. Gray is in first grade way behind.  We're on the second Harry Potter book together, but he is no where near taking over. I'm hoping he'll take off like his brothers, but it'll be in his own sweet time. For all I know, he'll never be a great reader. Maybe he'll stay chronically behind grade level. But one way or another, we'll get him to love books. Even if I have to read out loud to him every night until high school graduation. ;)
Favorite Genre: Fantasy
Favorite Author: JK Rowling
Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Currently Reading: Mom is reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets out loud. Also loves reading the "Step Into Reading" books. (Easy leveled readers) Especially the Super Hero ones.

Linc: Age 3. Can count to 11. Recognizes the number three by sight and knows zero letters. But DOES know a few spells from hearing so much Harry Potter...
Favorite Genre: Board books
Favorite Author: n/a
Favorite Book: n/a
Currently Reading: Super Hero ABC's and 123's

See anything you've read? Love any of these? Hate any of these? Let's hear what you think in the comments!
Happy Reading!!

There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.

–Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

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