This was an entertaining/fun/disturbing/eye-opening read...
I had Max (15) and my sister read it, and I want Doug to read it too. But I decided NOT to let Sam (12) and Gabe (9) read it because of his real world examples of people being hurt by bad guys. (Even though he is trying to arm you with techniques that will help you protect yourself.)
Don't get me wrong, it is not unduly graphic in any way, and the boys would probably not be phased--I'm just being extra sensitive to their sensitivity.
(On a side-note, I would love, love, love to see a version of this book written specifically for kids/teens.)
Anyway, quite awhile ago, I saw this guy on Shark Tank trying to sell the "Sharks" on his Spy School idea. His business got funded and led to him writing this book. I read a review of it somewhere, remembered the author from Shark Tank, thought how much Gabe wants to be a "secret agent" and put the book on hold at the library. (I plan to buy a copy--just haven't gotten around to it yet.) I was glad I did, even though I decided not to let Gabe read it.
Now, since this book was written to build his business, he pushes a LOT of different products you can buy: All available on his sensory-overload weird and convoluted website(s). Reading the book DID make me want to spend $600 on spy gear, but instead I just bought a few little things on Amazon. I.E., Paracord, a lock pick set (for the boys for fun) and a tactical pen.
{Turns out, you can't buy every spy gear item under the sun or your spouse may suspect you are planning to murder him and leave the country.}
Anyway, whether you dream of being an international man of mystery, a secret agent, or even a Bond girl, this was a great read that also happens to have a lot of helpful information in it. I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!
Happy Reading!!
P.S. This post contains affiliate links.
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